Saturday 28 July 2012

The 10 Questions

It is often said by those who should know better, when discussing morality and whether it is relative or absolute, that God did not give us Ten Suggestions, he gave us Ten Commandments. In my eyes they then rather shoot their argument in the foot by driving and using electricity on Sundays, so we will skip lightly on.

Here at the Beaker Folk, we prefer to be more flexible and post-modern. Ten Commandments are very good - and generally, within a believing community, to be observed because it's foolish and against the spirit of the Community not to. Ten suggestions would be a faintly ludicrous idea. But we like the open-endedness of our own development - the Ten Questions.

Now, as I often say, there are no such things as stupid questions - only stupid questioners. So, as long as they are "open" questions - not ones to which the answer is "yes" or "no" - any ten questions must do. For the time being we'll go with the following - but of course, the beauty of this method is that there are no right or wrong questions. And there are more questions than answers. So if we get bored with them, we can change them.

  1. How soon is now?
  2. How many  roads must a man walk down? (thank you again, Douglas Adams)
  3. If a tree falls in the forest, what are the chances the Government has privatised the forest?
  4.  When will I be famous?
  5. How green was my valley?
  6. Who's David?
  7. What was Crocker's great idea in The Italian Job?
  8. War - what is it good for?
  9. Did the barber shave himself?
  10. Why do we have to have 10 questions? 
Though I have to be honest, I think number 8 may have to go. I reckon I know the answer...

1 comment :

  1. You are off course aware that there are various versions of the 10 Commandments written by the likes of Dawkins, Hitchins and Grayling.

    I quite like the Socialist Sunday School version:

    1. Love your schoolfellows, who will be your fellow workmen in life.
    2. Love learning, which is the food of the mind; be as grateful to your teacher as to your parents.
    3. Make every day holy by good and useful deeds and kindly actions.
    4. Honour good men, be courteous to all men, bow down to none.
    5. Do not hate or speak evil of anyone. Do not be revengeful but stand up for your right and resist oppression.
    6. Do not be cowardly. Be a friend to the weak and love justice.
    7. Remember that all good things of the earth are produced by labour. Whoever enjoys them without working for them is stealing the bread of the workers.
    8. Observe and think in order to discover the truth. Do not believe what is contrary to reason and never deceive yourself or others.
    9. Do not think that he who loves his own country must hate and despise other nations, or wish for war, which is a remnant of barbarism.
    10. Look forward to the day when all men and women will be free citizens of one fatherland and live together as brothers and sisters in peace and righteousness.


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