
Wednesday 1 April 2009

April Fools Day

Once again an eagerly anticipated April Fools Day event has been ruined by the activities of a few.
We introduced the All Fools occasion as a special event that would encourage others from outside our community to see that Beakerism isn't all swanning around in hi-vis and cutting mistletoe.  Indeed, we wanted people to see the warm, light-hearted side of our faith.
Every year we advertise the service as starting at 8 am - but everyone knows it actually starts at 7.50, so we can have a quiet laugh at those arriving late.  That's just the sort of whacky people we are.
But somebody - we have no evidence, but Drayton Parslow is currently locked in the coal bunker on sus - went around the community last night moving all the clocks forwards by an hour.  We thought it was a bit dark, but put it down to weather conditions.  All the jokes and fun songs fell fairly flat when there were no children from the village there to enjoy them.  If all you're left with is a group of middle-aged hippies singing "if I were butterfly", we might as well re-join the mainstream.
The sticking onto people's backs of the April Fish is a traditional part of our All Fool's service.   It shows respect for others' traditions, in particular the garlic-loving cheesemongers from across the Channel.  Naturally I didn't take any particular notice of the one I received.  It is only now, sat in the study writing today's notices, that I observe that someone actually attached a notice to me saying "Drayton for Archdruid".  Again, I have my suspicions.
Finally, as we were wrapping up for the morning, all the villagers turned up (1 hour and ten minutes late, of course) and assumed we had just started.  Despite the onset of boredom, exhaustion and hypothermia, we were therefore compelled to do the whole thing again.
Frankly this April Fool's lark is no fun at all.

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