
Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Expenses update

There has been a certain amount of disquiet over the expense claims which Drayton Parslow has discovered, photocopied and posted on telegraph poles all over Husborne Crawley.  My claims for a helicopter flight to the Druidic Gorsedd on Environmental Sustainability at Glastonbury, and Hnaef's elocution lessons, have all been subject to scrutiny.

We had every right to claim these expenses, which are all in the rules that Hnaef and I drew up when we first realised there were people gullible enough to give their trust and money to this community.  However we are aware that it may look like we have our snouts down and are troughing till it hurts.  Therefore we are happy to repay the sum of £576.56, which is the full amount that Drayton has managed to pin  on us.  I hope this matter is now at an end.


  1. Dear Arch,
    The problem with neo-coenobitic communities is that they have not abandoned the foundations of modernity, that is money. Isn't it time the neo-Beakers go back to pre-modern forms of exchange? How about stone money? Hnaef would surely think twice about his expense claims if it involved carrying a couple of Stonehenge-type boulders.
    With litho-anarchist greetings,

  2. I happen to know that there are no helipads in Glastonbury, and have a strong suspicion that the event you mention didn't even take place. Claiming exorbitant expenses is one of the burdens of leadership, which, sadly, we have to bear. Making stuff up which is complete fiction is something else entirely.


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