
Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Elvis Presley in a Cream Cracker

Yet another miracle for our newly-erected "Tent of Wonder". The remarkably life-like image of Elvis in his Las Vegas days, captured in a cream cracker, will nowbe  joining Princess Diana of the Pebble and the Doily Michael Jackson. Some people would no doubt claim that in these days of Swine Flu people are clinging onto whatever they can to give themselves hope and belief. We say "phooey". Tea lights in the Tent of Wonder will be £1.50 each. I know they're only 20p elsewhere in the community, but then these tea lights have been blessed by the presence of Diana, Elvis and Michael.

A bit of a bust-up in the Worship Zone, as we have now designated the Old Library while the new Moot House is being erected. Borgo's refusal to join in singing "Jesus is my boyfriend" and "I just want to grow into one of God's flowers", was just rude. Also when we expected everyone to join hands with the people either side of him, he kept his arms folded.
He did explain afterwards that it's not that he thinks Hnaef is repulsive, not is he shying away from his feminine side, it's just that he doesn't think holding hands with male Assistant Executive Druids is for him. As we told him, he's just not understood that part of our mission is to remove those nasty aggressive tendencies from men, remove their dislike of hugging, get them discussing their feelings, in touch with their inner selves - well, basically, just make them more like women. For some reason Borgo has a problem with this, and has removed himself from this community. It's a shame to see him go but at least the smell of sweat will not be so noticeable in the Dining Room this evening.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry but truth is stranger than fiction: 10 Divine Apparitions In Unexpected Places (though I am not sure how they knew they were Jesus and the BVM - looks like Mithras and Cybele to me).


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