
Monday, 6 July 2009

Full Moon

According to ancient lore laid down in 2005, this first Full Moon since the Summer Solstice  is known as the "Siesta Moon".  We will celebrate the Full Moon from sunset to sunrise tonight, so quite a few people will be in need of a siesta tomorrow.  You may remember that it used to be known as  the Pepsi Moon, but sadly they withdrew funding. 

More news on our attempt to "reach out" to younger people.  We wanted to be hip, on the street, where the kids are.  Our recent Fleetwood Mac tribute evening was sadly not as well attended as we expected and renting the Milton Keynes Bowl has pushed our outreach budget way into the red. We consider the attendance of 7 people to be a minor achievement, but since the youngest was 62 years of age we weren't necessarily making the links we hoped.

The " Bring your Parents to the Moot House" event was equally unsuccessful.  OK, we did get a couple of parents along, and who would have thought that old Methuselah Bromswick's parents were both still alive at the age of 109, but all the same Methuselah was missing the point.

In our next youth event, Hnaef will be break-dancing and rapping on the street on the Lakes Estate in Bletchley.  Good for you, Hnaef.  We're right behind you.  About three miles behind you, in fact - at the Green Man in Little Brickhill.  We'll pick him up if he survives.

1 comment:

  1. If you're in the business of renaming moon phases, can I put in a bid for the Blonde Moon (generally seen setting over Essex, of course).


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