
Tuesday 29 September 2009

The Great Day

A clear blue sky as the sun climbs this fine Husborne Crawley morning. It's a lovely day for the world to end.

Please can I remind everyone to be on the Knoll at 4pm sharp for the preliminary supplications. At 4.28, the angels holding hands that keep the Universe together, thus giving rise to the myth of "dark matter", will let go of each other's hands, thus causing the whole Creation to fly apart. At 4.30 precisely we expect the M1 to be rolled up like a carpet. We righteous Beaker Folk will stand in the midst of the chaos as we watch the old world washed away. And Husborne Crawley will be the new Jerusalem. Or else we'll all get wiped out. That much of the vision is sadly still a bit hazy.
Hang on tight, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Can all Beaker Folk please note that, due to the swine flu precautions, they should keep at least 1 m of personal space between themselves and any other Beaker Person during the End of the World.

1 comment:

  1. Please could you make it later than 4.30 as I have to somehow feed my children then before getting them out to swimming. I have a meeting at night- would be much more convenient for world to end then.

    Do you have provisions for this in your liturgy?


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