
Monday, 14 September 2009

Ten Random Beliefs

According to various commentators this is the latest "meme."  And who are we to miss out on a meme?

1. Thin places are where earth and heaven join.  How dangerous is that?  They must be marked out and isolated.

2. Lavender is more soothing than lemonbalm, but it's not as gentle.

3. "Jumbo packs" is probably a bad advertising line for sanitary products.

4. Alternative therapies are great, except if you're actually ill.  Then you need a doctor.

5. Whale song is overrated.

6. Steven Fry probably ought to be quiet for a bit.

7. Tea lights and pebbles are good.

8. There is no belief so bizarre that someone can't make money out of it.

9. All paths lead to God.  Except the M1 southbound after Junction 2.  That goes to Staples Corner.

10. The Moon Gibbon doesn't really exist.  Unless, of course, that's your personal belief in which case we respect your faith.

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