
Friday, 30 October 2009

Drinking Alcohol for Swine Flu

On the day that the Government's Drugs Adviser was told to sling his hook after he claimed that Ecstasy, LSD and rat poison are all less dangerous than alcohol*, we discover a surprising upsurge in traffic from people from the world over, searching for whether drinking alcohol causes flu, interferes with the vaccine shot, prevents the action of Tamiflu, or - incredible as it may sound - whether drinking whisky, brandy or other ardent spirits are able to cure Swine Flu.
Take the unfortunate Professor Nutt's advice. If it's more dangerous than Skunk, then it's not going to help your swine flu, is it. **

* Not the rat poison. I made that one up. NB - rat poison is even worse than alcohol for swine flu. Don't try this at home.
** But it might cheer you up a bit. But we can't say that.

1 comment:

  1. Alternatively, take the (indirect) advice of the government: if you critize, don't be surprised if you get fired. Heck, who needs academic work anyway?


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