
Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Health and Safety

This is why Health and Safety Matters. If the driver had been wearing a hi-viz none of this need have happened.  More smashed bottles than Bedford on a Friday night.  But unlike Bedford, nobody was seriously hurt.


  1. Dear Archdruid,

    you are on fire these days!

    Great video, too. Thanks to the godhead(s) for CCTV in this blessed country. Just hours and hours of fun.

    Impressive cloud of diesel fumes when that forklift gets going, too.

    Bedford sounds like Colchester, by the way. Charming place after 5pm.

  2. Health ad safety matters and would be wonderful if applied legally with a modecom of common sense.

  3. Jasmine, thanks for popping into the Moot House. Consider yourself on the blogroll.


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