
Tuesday, 8 December 2009

On the embroidery of pomegranates

Some thoughts on recent events.  Just random, and being an Archdruid means I'm even immune from the need to cite my sources.

What people do with their bodies in their own time is less disturbing, and less offensive to God, than other people hating them for it.  Unless what they do with their bodies is kill people.  Oh yeah - that's some of the second bunch again, then, not the first bunch.

People who are in churches that allow divorced ministers, who then condemn people in churches that allow gay ministers, should either get out of the glass house or stop throwing stones.  And ideally both.  There's too much broken glass around already.

People who are in churches that allow gay ministers as long as they are "discreet", who condemn gay ministers in churches where they are open, don't seem to have a leg to stand on.

People who eat black pudding can't condemn anyone else for going against what the Bible says.  We're condemned on blood-eating (NT) and pig-eating (OT).  Might as well go the whole way and strangle the pig to be on the safe side.

After you with the pomegranates on the edges of the cloak... mine just look silly.


  1. well being in Yorkshire black pudding eating is obligatory... so I am out of the glass house and the stones are discarded... apart from use in meaningful tea light lit worship obviously!

  2. Thank you Revd Sally. A much better use for stones all round.

  3. Frankly, I was already dismayed at the first paragraph. Where do you take your authority from, Archdruid? Hebrews 2:6?

    And what's with you and pomegranates? What have they ever done to you? That blue, purple and crimson yarn is very nice, thank you.


  4. No great problem with that- though I doubt there is any spiritual path that doesn't attract a fair quota of hypocrites.
    David, Christian miniter.


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