
Saturday, 16 January 2010

The annual charity mixed rugby match

Well the pitch was just about playable for the annual Charity Mixed Rugby Match against the Guinea Pig Worshippers of Stewartby, thanks to the thaw.  Although it's fair to say everyone was exhausted after dragging themselves through all that mud.  But we were glad to have achieved a narrow 12-5 victory.  On a pitch like that, kicking was always going to be better than trying to run the ball in.

Every year we have people querying whether it's right to allow woman to take part in such a traditionally rough and violent game.  And I suppose now that argument's going to start all over again.  I can only say that Edith Weston is very sorry about that stamp she put in on the Great Guinea Pig.  And there's no way I deserved sending off for that so-called "eye gouging" incident.  And on top of all that, they've now complained about the dirty songs that Stacey Bushes was singing in the bar afterwards.  Honestly.

1 comment:

  1. rugby players showing charity? come on, pull the other one...

    ouch, no, don't!


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