
Friday, 1 January 2010

Where every prospect pleases

The Blue Moon New Year do last night went very well.  Although the 3-hour performance of "Out of the Blue" was quite enough for anyone.  But halfway through an interminable rendition of "Turn to Stone", I wandered outside and gazed up at the moon.  Beautiful, ducking in and out between the clouds, on such a hard, dry, cold New Year's Night.  A mute reminder of the goodness of all creation - "Though every prospect pleases, and only man is vile."  The poet, of course, was writing before the days when it was realised that you can't go using "man" like that to mean the whole human race.  What he meant was "Though every prospect pleases, and only men are vile."

I'm sure we can all agree with that.  Especially in the light of yet another of Young Keith's dangerous inventions.  His Mobile Roman Candle Launcher was absolutely terrifying.  Especially for Young Keith.  A load of pyrotechnics in a shopping trolley, welded onto the front of his mountain bike.  I mean, full marks for a fantastic display - moving in more ways than one.  But it was a close-run thing whether he was going to end up at MK General again.  Thankfully he emerged unscathed, which is more than can be said for the Doily shed.  Although every cloud... the bottom has well and truly fallen out of the doily market, and the insurance will come in very handy.  What with that and the money for the Moot House, and now having St Bogwulf's Chapel available for worship, we're laughing all the way to the Fine Wine shop.  Although we do have plans to get Messrs Astraseal in to put a glass roof on St Bogwulf's.

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