
Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Flip-flops, Shorts and Rock & Roll

I followed a comment on this blog back to the commenter - or is it commentator - intending to explain why my view on Creation is correct (i.e. because that's what it says in the Bible).
But instead I found myself musing on his choice of dress. Obviously, when I say "choice of dress" I don't mean frock. He's not an Anglican, after all. But rather he refers to attending church wearing flip-flops and shorts - and listening to Rock & Roll.

Which makes me wonder what our response at Frisby Independent Baptists would be if someone turned up wearing flip-flops and shorts.  I'll pass over Rock & Roll as clearly, with the exception of a few guitar-based combos on certain reliably sound Christian channels, that is beyond the pale. Although we might want to save people from Rock & Roll - as you would want to save them from Country & Western or even - whisper its name - Rhythm & Blues.

But suppose someone turned up at Salem Chapel wearing flip-flops. Firstly there is the likelihood that the person might merely be a visitor from the Baptist Union.  In which case we would treat them kindly, but would regard them as at the same level as our female worshippers - i.e. we wouldn't let them speak during the service.  We would also keep a watchful eye over them during coffee in case they started sharing false doctrines.
And if they were wearing shorts - well, clearly out of the question for a woman.  They would be ordered to remove them before being allowed in. No - let me rephrase that.  They would be asked to go home and change. And if it were for a man - well, that's a trickier one. I guess if he were an hairy man we might ask him to cover up. Such Edomish behaviour would not be tolerated. And if he shaved his legs - well, clearly we couldn't allow him in. Don't know why I even thought of it. Memories of Melton Mowbray all over again.
So what I'm saying is that I would allow a man in shorts to enter our place of worship, if he were naturally the possessor of smooth legs. I'm not sure who would be empowered to make such a decision at the front door before Divine worship - I, after all, would be preparing myself for the meeting with my two hours of silent prayer ion the vestry. So on the whole, I reckon that would be one for the Doctrine Sub-Committee.

I hope this is clear enough. God wants people to come to him as they are. But we'll make sure they're moving in the right direction before we actually put them in front of him.

1 comment:

  1. While I agree, in principle, with your position on the wearing (or not) of shorts for Divine worship, I am surprised that you seek to confirm your thoughts from Holy Writ.

    If I might be so bold as to enlighten you, I would turn your attention to Psalm 147:10 (in the King James Version, naturally) which shows that God is not pleased when men wander around with their legs visible.

    I make no comment on the issue of shaving.


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