
Tuesday 28 September 2010

Hunting the Flying Spaghetti Monster

It's turning into a good week for eating rare species.

And also a good week for theology. Who would have thought we'd have found an outbreak of Flying Spaghetti Monsters out in the covert this early in the season?

Please can all Beaker Folk assemble at the Armoury after the Pouring out of Beakers. We'll get you a shotgun each and rudimentary instructions on how to use it.
And don't forget, it's bad sportsmanship to shoot a running FSM. They're much easier to hit when they're sitting still.


  1. I thought they came in tins - tomato sauce included.

  2. I think you're confusing the canned version, mass-produced by Dawkins of Oxford and eaten by sad 30 year olds in T-shirts with the logo "Hacker" in their bedrooms in their parents' houses, with the real thing - fresh and full of lead from the fields of Mid Bedfordshire.

  3. I am assuming that these FSM's are grown on the same trees as the BBC Spaghetti, given new life by some form of druidism and the Church Mouse.


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