
Monday, 4 October 2010

Tax 'n' spend

Still on economic subjects, I've been considering the eternal question of where to get income for the country from. The Left says "tax the bankers", while the bankers respond, quite naturally, that if that happens they'll leave the country. That may not be playing the game - that may be taking their ball home with them. But then it's their ball. Even if we paid for it for them.

Clearly the answer to this dilemma is to tax heavily the people who couldn't make a living anywhere else doing that job. So my proposal is that we should levy super-taxes on the following:

  • Radio 1 DJs
  • People who sell "Oxford University" shirts in London
  • Jonathan Ross
  • Lollipop Men and Women
  • Pearly Kings & Queens (bit borderline, this - they could probably get jobs in Japan)
  • English Football Managers
  • Clowns
  • John Bercow
  • People handing out leaflets for English language schools
  • Evangelists who shout at you on street corners
  • Celebrity gardeners
  • Anyone in a managerial capacity in a council. Especially the people who designed the Wellingborough town centre "improvements".
  • Media Studies Lecturers at ex-Polytechnics

People may say that this approach to taxation is unfair. And I would have to say, yes it is. But I'd like to argue that it's efficient. And of the two, efficient probably wins at the moment.  However, when we've soaked every pony, guinea, arfer dollar and tanna out of the Pearly Kings, we won't be wanting the shirts off their backs. After all, what would we wear them with?


  1. Evangelists who shout at you on street corners could probably earn far more in the States shouting at people over the radio :(

  2. You missed Celebrity Chefs, judging by the number of food programs on TV, they are the most upwardly mobile of any group in the country.

  3. Eileen for Chancellor!!!

  4. It'll never work; they'll all just move to Australia.


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