The full moon this evening, behind a rapidly-moving wave of cloud blowing in from the North-West. Strange.
The smell of tomato soup, taking you back to when you were 7. Strange.
The NIV when you've never read a Bible before, containing mythology, history, holy biography and livid prophets in equal measure. Strange.
The sun setting on a western bay in Cornwall or Brittany, floating for a moment over the purple sea. Strange.
Quantum entanglement. How else could you describe it?
The baffled look of a cat. Strange.
The Rollright Stones on an October morning when the water in the puddles at the side of the road is freezing to ice. strange.
The sight of Lembit Opik in a cage. Kind of right.
Reassuring to see Gillian McKeith faking it, for a horrible moment there I thought she had some integrity..