
Saturday 22 January 2011

Short issues

I've had an interesting conversation with Mrs Woodhouse, and her son Mansfield.

Mrs Woodhouse, dragging herself from the chaise longue to which she normally repairs for fits of the vapours, tells me that Mansfield has trouble with "height" issues. She tells me that essentially he is quite tall, but he has a short tendency. She wonders if counselling can help with his shortness issue.

As far as I can tell, Mansfield is about 5'2". I've told him that there is no amount of counselling that will add an inch to his height. I've said that  it doesn't matter - he's a great bloke and he should learn to accept his shortness. Some people are just meant to be short. But Mrs Woodhouse has suggested that maybe laying on hands would help him to grow taller.

They've gone off now to buy some shoes with subtly raised heels, and a top hat. I've told them to go ahead if they like. But he'll still, deep down, be short - whatever he says.

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