
Monday, 3 January 2011

Worshipping Technology

I really do believe sometimes that people can have an inappropriate respect for modern technology. Sometimes I'd go beyond that and call it idolatry. To believe that human ingenuity and intelligence can solve all problems, even to bring in a kind of technological Kingdom of God. An attitude which ends up with people saying stupid things like we can live forever through medical advances - whatever the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics might think (or not) about that. We forget that behind every shiny device is a fallible human being. As I realised when the "Ashes" alarm on my new iPom totally failed to wake me up for the start of the afternoon session in Sidney.

I went round earlier to see how Daphne's recovering from last night's bereavement in the Archers. I'll be honest, I generally prefer to leave pastoral work to people who care - but on this occasion I thought I'd better show willing.  Daphne let me in, to find half a dozen Beaker People in states of of awe. They had heard of Daphne's new electronic purchases and come to pay their respects.

I tell you, to see six of our most electronically-savvy Folk in such positions of inappropriate reverence made me feel quite ill. However impressive the the power consumption, add-ons and special features. And it would be bad enough if the object of their worship were the television. But the refrigerator?

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