
Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Libya Suspended from Human Rights Council

The UN Human Rights Council has suspended Libya from the Human Rights Council.

The Amnesty International report in 2010 reported arbitrary detention of those opposed to regime, discrimination against and sexual harassment of women, and breaches of international law.
In 2009 Amnesty reported the outlawing of opposition political groups and the mass-expulsion of asylum seekers.
In  its 2008 report, Amnesty reported that the children of foreign fathers and Libyan mothers were not entitled to free state education. Amnesty was not allowed to visit the country. It reported that the disappearances of dissidents in the 70s, 80s and 90s had never been tackled.

In 2007, Amnesty reported the killing of 12 demonstrators at a protest. 6 foreign medical workers were sentenced to death for allegedly spreading HIV - they were released a couple of years later. Asylum seekers were frequently beaten, and deported without a hearing.

Well done, UN. Just in time, I'd say.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, the Powers that Be decided that it was expedient to ignore the sins of the regime and pretend Qadaffi was a civilised ruler. Maybe they need to be seen in dust and ashes.


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