
Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Meditation for a Long Week

It's been a long old series of short weeks. Weeks with bank holidays at each end. People bridging the gaps between the bank holidays to have breaks of surreal length for very little holiday taken.

And now it's over. The carnival has finished. It's Tuesday night. And though you feel like by tomorrow night ought to be the start of the weekend, it's only going to be Wednesday.

Try to measure the distance from here to Friday. Imagine the length of a day. A working day. That's shorter than a real day. That's better, isn't it?

Now imagine each of those days divided into the hours. You can cope with an hour. Imagine each of those hours - how quickly they slide away.

Now imagine them sliding away, one by one - until it's lunch. And then again - and it's Wednesday night. And again, and again - Thursday night. And again, and once more - and the weekend is here. You can relax.

Now ask yourself this question.

Why are you wishing your life away like this?

1 comment:

  1. Cheer up Eileen, there's a bank holiday at the end of the month so we will be back to normal.


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