
Monday, 30 May 2011

Religion and Football

It's often been claimed that there is a strong link between football and religion. And of course in the case of the city of Glasgow, that link's considerably closer and more worrying than most of us would like.

But I've been having a ponder - and there's some undeniable similarities.

Such as the hope of a better time in the future - be that in heaven or next season.

The shared hope and dreams of a community with a common purpose.

Special food - although some would maybe think meat pies and Bovril don't make a foretaste of a heavenly banquet, they come quite close on a cold day in January.

Communal singing - with the obvious difference that at football, men sing as well.

Waving your hands in the air - although not in non-Charismatic churches, and not at Old Trafford as they'd drop their prawn sandwiches.

And to that, this week, I've got to add accusations of cover-ups, politicking and leaks and rumours. Whatever the truth of it all (and though the Church of England has a lot less money than FIFA, the Roman Catholic Church is  still probably richer).

But I guess the main difference is in the clothing. Although in both football and religion special clothing is worn by the more prominent participants, and although a person wearing black and laying down the rules is common to both, you very rarely find somebody in a pew wearing a Vicar replica strip. It would only confuse the issue.


  1. "vicar replica strip in the pew", what a brilliant idea.
    Might be fun when it came to the sermon.

  2. Personally I hate it when they get bored and start doing a Mexican wave.

  3. footballers who do the sign of the cross and look up to the heavens should think about the 20,000 children who die a day and not be so selfish as to think that their god is watching them play football instead of saving childrens lives.


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