
Friday, 1 July 2011

A celebration of Venns

Being the good Anglican that he apparently is, Hnaef looked up from his early-morning theological compromise today at breakfast to tell me that he was celebrating the Venn family today. Three generations of Venns were evangelical divines. And worthy guys they were.

But evangelical divines don't make for exciting cutting-edge liturgy. Which is why, in honour of another Venn, Beaker Folk will find three very large intersecting circles on the courtyard. I hope, as part of Pouring Out of Beakers, that we will spend our time classifying people into differing sets and sub-sets. The intersections between the circles reminding us that life is as much both/and as either/or.

I've invited Drayton Parslow over as an act of ecumenical witness. He will mostly be standing outside all three circles, as an act of stubbornness. In a class of his own, is Drayton.

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