
Sunday, 3 July 2011

Just one more bunch of active blogs...

That stalwart in Christian blogging, and massive contributor to online life,  Mad Priest.
And another stalwart, David Cloake at Vernacular Curate. Get there quick, before he's not a curate. For a good reason, not a bad one.
The irrepressible and newly-married  Revd Lesley (though I still can't work out what she thinks of the Anglican Covenant - I wish she'd make herself clear).
And the metaltastic Metal Vicar.
And the biketastic Dave Warnock. He has another blog as well, but Burton prefers the bike one.
I'm ignoring blogs from the colonies, but before she moves - Maggi Dawn. Not least as in this post she lists Wikio's top Christian blogs for July (meaning June). It will be interesting to see how that changes - or if anyone cares in the future.
And Banksy who mostly posts video these days.

Among pagan blogs, and creditable for being versatile, thoughtful, and sceptical and believing in a brilliant kind of accepting way, while still having a go at people when they need it, is Yewtree, who blogs on a differently frequent basis at Stroppy Rabbit, and occasionally at The Blue Stocking and Pagans for Archaeology.

A couple of atheists - Naws (Steve Borthwick) and Gurdur, of course. And also Chairman Bill, who swears a lot and I'm guessing he's an atheist but then I'm also guessing that he hates pretty well everything. You have been warned.

Of the writing of blogs there is no end, and I've offended everybody else I've missed. But if you follow all the links I've given, you'll find there's lots of other links. And so on, until Infinity. As Gussie Fink-Nottle nearly said, "It's a beautiful blogosphere, PK Purvis". And if Gussie were not a figment of the Master's imagination, and if he lived today, he would have a blogroll full of bloggers about newts. What a wonderful world.

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