
Thursday, 4 August 2011

A cold shock

I was a little startled by the question - for it was no more than that - from the e-church blog on how to identify the Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

I will pass on the discussion (although I note that at least one sock-puppet of mine got involved in it) but I will make a comment.

The concept of the Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit hits you in the face like a bucket of cold water. We're so used to God our Doting Uncle. The God who not only runs down the path to meet us, but then drags us, kicking and screaming, back up the path and back into a feast we said we didn't want - a feast we don't believe is going to happen - a feast we're not sure we're going to like. One where we'd suddenly find all kinds of food intolerances. That's the God we wanted. That's what we bargained for, when we set out on our own way.

But this seems to be a God who says - "OK, I gave you the chance. I gave you several chances. I gave you the ultimate chance. But  it's not that you were ignorant, it's not that you weren't listening.  You heard, you understood the offer. And you turned it all down regardless. I understand that. We're both grown-ups. I hear you. And I respect your decision."

Bovver. That's done for my universalism.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm. Many more years ago than I care to remember I seem to remember either reading or hearing something that went along the lines of 'if you worry that you might do this, then you won't because if you did it wouldn't bother you.' So I kinda stopped worrying about what it meant and got on with living. Whether that means I'm now bound for perdition is another matter!

    Whilst I'm not (yet?)a universalist, I kinda hope God is, and if not, can God please be an anihilationist...


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