
Sunday, 21 August 2011

Going radical tradional

The Archdruid took me aside today and Had Some Words. Then so did Mrs Hnaef. A dual-pronged attack usually means that there's something they're keen for me to change, so I went for a walk to Think About What I'd Been Told.

It appears that both the women in my life believe that I am becoming too Liberal. And maybe I've been flaunting (or "flouting", if you're Mr E. Pickles, apparently) my Anglican leanings a little too much recently.

What's confusing me is that, in a change from the usual, the Archdruid wants me to be more Biblical (after all her comments about my reading out the Morning and Evening Offices, too!), whereas Mrs Hnaef wants me to be more traditional.

And, as I was walking, I came across a sign. Well, it was less of a sign, and more a few thousand pink tabards with the writing washed off. Although I can't imagine what mistake by the shipping company caused them to have ended up in the drainage system, some seem to have overflowed.

So, here's what I'm going to do: at the Pouring Out of Beakers service tonight,  I'm going to announce a Mission. We're going to take a trip into Luton and read radical evangelical texts (Hosea, Revelation, 2 Timothy, etc.), but we're going to do it dressed in pink (for the BVM: very traditional) tabards (radical), which we're going to pretend are chasubles (trad, but we'll _all_ be wearing them: priesthood of all believers, which is very radical).

So: sorted. Everyone's going to be happy. Nothing can go wrong.

1 comment:

  1. So Hnaef, are we going to hear how this mission went?


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