
Tuesday 27 September 2011

8 Good Links

The Alethiophile on high-speed muons, Relativity and scientific proof

A remarkable story from Anita

Entangled States on Standard Candles.  Keep reading, it might come...

Margaret does something random and devout, as usual

Darrel from Stuff Fundies Like with a great email

Suem on Losing My Religion

Phil Ritchie on atheism and comedy

Gurdur on atheists in foxholes


  1. Archdruid! Thank you! On re-reading it, I thought that perhaps I should have written it myself rather than citing the two narratives already on the net--but given the number of blog posts I have in draft...
    Also, I guess the power was in the story, not in the writing of it. Thank you for highlighting it.


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