
Wednesday 7 September 2011

Enya Eve

Just what is it about Enya that we like so much?

I guess it's the complex mosaic of happy feelings she generates. Singing in languages we don't understand is always a big plus. Frankly, she could be singing the contents of a shopping list and it would sound spiritual if it were in Gaelic.

But when a thousand multi-tracked Enyas sing as a giant Enya choir, in a celebration of Enyaism, it just makes us feel so serene. What else could we want? It's the perfect Beaker religious moment - a one-ness with a spiritual something. You feel uplifted. You feel close to nature - close to the earth - close to the divine. And the good news is, you feel no responsibility to change anything in the world. You just feel better about yourself. All it needs is a scented tea light to make you feel perfect.

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