
Thursday, 22 September 2011

Liturgy for the Last Day of Summer

Defiant Beaker Folk may wear bathing costumes and sun hats. The rest of us will wrap up warm.

Archdruid: It's a bit parky innit?

All:             I blame that global warming.

Archdruid: Did you see the loss of sea-ice in the Arctic?

All:              It's the penguins I feel sorry for...

We pause for a moment - partly for the fate of the penguins, but mostly for the Archdruid to lament the state of Geography teaching.

Archdruid: Oh the days were hot and the nights were long. I must have sung a million songs

All: But all the words just came out wrong on the last day of Summer.

We process in 4-2-3-1 formation to the conker trees. Those of a Julian nature may contemplate a conker and reflect that it is about the bignesse of a hazelnut. The rest may kick the leaves around in a moody kind of a way.

Archdruid: Do not go gentle into that good night.

All:             Fight the good fight with all your might.

We do the "Hedgehog Dance" to the Great Trilithon. It takes ages as the "Hedgehog Dance" mostly goes round in circles.

All:              We can't see the sunrise through the arch, Archdruid.

Archdruid:  That's partly because it's cloudy, partly because we're a bit late and this isn't a sunrise service - and mostly because you're facing the wrong way again.

We process three abreast to the Autumn corner of the Moot House. Ironically so-named as the Moot House is circular.

Archdruid: And then the rain came down And sparkled the signs of the Underground.

All:             And the darkness fell all over town On the last day of Summer.

All may exit, shivering.

("Last day of Summer" - Kirsty.
"Do not go gentle" - Dylan Thomas)


  1. Might I suggest a minor addition to accompany the global warming section. The procession of the new Times Atlas opened at the page for Greenland.

  2. I hear the polar bears are secretly funding penguin denial groups..

  3. So there goes tomorrow's surprise liturgy, then Eddie.

    Steve - everyone knows the polar bears can't get the wrappers off.


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