
Thursday, 13 October 2011

Dumb Idols - A Quick Thought on Blackberry

Just been speaking to a secret source at RIM. He says it's unfair to say they've not been keeping their customers informed. Apparently they sent them all an email.

What with Blackberry users left stranded while Apple devotees are left bricked for hours by an OS upgrade, it's a reminder of how fragile we are. We put our trust and a lot of our status into these devices - create them in our own image, choose their skins, select the way they talk to us, personalise them with our own choice in apps...

And then they let us down. An old hymn used to tell us that the pagan in his blindness bowed down to wood and stone - and we do the same with our mixtures of silicon, plastic, cadmium and gold.

Well not round here. For me a phone is a convenient communication device, not a plastic pal who's fun to be with. Android Archdruid Andrea better keep in her place, that's what I say. 


  1. Is there an app for an android Archdruid?

  2. Mmm - I'm reading this on an Android Teadmade.

  3. Utterly irrelevant but, you know, I occasionally (very occasionally) wish that God had made me a man so that I could be a Na-Nach Hasid so imagine how overjoyed I was to find Na-Nachs dancing in Hi Viz vests...

  4. Margaret - naturally, they're working at heights.

    Chairman Bill - sort out your predoctive tixt.

    Doorkeeper - Of course. The Blackberry one's awful though - it keeps falling over.


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