
Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Bible from Cover to Cover

Drayton Parslow's really annoyed with me about yesterday's "Gove" preface.

He'd accuse me of blasphemy. But trouble is, he can't work out whether that bit of grovelling* to King James I, at the start of the Bible he authorised, is technically part of the Good Book or not. My argument is, how could it be? It wasn't written in Biblical times. And the majority of the people who follow Drayton's rather extreme views on the AV are Americans, who are very determinedly replublican (with both a small and big "R", for the most part).

Drayton's not so sure, feeling that in some way the whole set up from cover to cover must be inspired. I counter by suggesting that, since God's responsible for the whole universe, he could apply the same arguments to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

So he's gone off to commune with his Maker. I'll see if he's come up with anything coherent later.

* To be fair to the Translators, having seen what James I arranged to be done to traitors I think I'd have a neat line in grovelling in their shoes too.


  1. Thanks for this. Having trouble at the moment with some people who think Bible is inspired cover to cover.

  2. I'm sorry,
    I just love/can't get enough of the Arch Druid....
    It's sure to have consequences!...

  3. So I can write anything I like, get in bound in with a KJV, and automatically it must be divinely inspired? Goodee! [goes off to compose a few choice words]


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