
Saturday, 12 November 2011

Grebe Expectations

Saturday is the day we let the "amateurs" have a crack at leading worship. And it was an enthusiastic but frankly bizarre contribution from Aelfride today.

Ever one to consider the stars to be God's daisy chain, she organised a "Celebration of the Spirit of Water Fowl" today. And since it mostly consisted of everyone waddling around the Moot House quacking, to be honest there wasn't much difference with a normal service.

But unwisely Aelfride had allowed herself to come under the psychic control of one of the feathery friends she had swimming around in the paddling pool which she used as the Worship Focus. This was most noticeable during the sermon - not least because the duck she was channelling seems to be a very dull one, whose three points were "It's nice weather for ducks", "We'll either sink or swim" and "We should all flock together". I mean, frankly. We were hoping for something challenging, something inspiring - something altogether different. And all we got were duck-willed platitudes.

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