
Wednesday, 2 November 2011

How to Create a Church Mission Statement


  1. Yes I give up: first try=

    A charismatic, compassionate congregation (isn't that an oxymoron?) sympathising with the transformation of local folk.

    Second try- even more gibberish

    Third try- A group of hymn singers who'd like people to join them on a Sunday especially if they want to put money in the offering bags.

  2. You laugh, but entire dioceses are run this way. It is more blessed to think up management jargon than to do something, and it looks good on the website.

  3. A few more fancy transitions and whooshing sounds and you could go on Dragons Den with that! ;)

  4. Ah, Steve - you've not seen the Powerpoint version.

    Sally - assuming you're on a PC not a phone - look at the top right, I've done it for you.

  5. The Beaker Folk have done it again - now a trillion Mission Statements, to add to the trillion Thomas Hardy plots. More power to your elbow!

  6. Ah yes, the Mission Statement… Reminds me of the “Wayside Gospel” bon mots one used to see outside assorted London churches years ago (They still do that…? Really…?).

    One that stuck with me depicted a soup can (Campbells? Hardly – it was before Warhol’s time. Probably Knorr…). It said: “Don’t wear the label if you don’t have the goods inside”

    So, what would be on the Beaker Folks’ soup can, er, Mission Statement…? A tea light with the admonition: “Better to light a tea light for warmth here. If you’re not with us you won’t need it where you’re going!”


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