
Thursday 15 December 2011

Pre-Christmas Syndrome

Just to let concerned Beaker People know, I'm OK.

After a quick check-up it's been confirmed that I'm suffering from pre-Christmas Church Leader syndrome. Better known as an overdose of mince pies.

I mean, give me a break. Everybody I've visited for the last three weeks has offered me a mince pie. Every meeting we've had has finished with mince pies. And, quite often, sherry. I tell you, I've drunk so much sherry recently that I reckon I could join the Church of England, no questions asked.

So please, if anyone offers me another mince pie (or sherry) over the next couple of weeks, please don't be offended if I turn green and run out the building. I've really, really had enough mince pies.


  1. You have my profoundest sympathy. I can't bear anticipated festivals, whether it's mulled pies and minced wine in Advent or hot cross eggs and chocolate bunnies in Lent. Until I got all professional, I used to love the Church's seasons. Mind you, I think our mates in the CofE get it toughest. Think of interminable carol concerts, civil, school, parish, and all before 26 December when the official Easter season begins.

  2. But, Pastor, feel for those souls who work in the grocery and Cash & Carry industries, who even now are planning the first drop of Cadbury's Creme Eggs.

  3. And carols continue well into January, when the rest of the world is already happily eating chocolate bunnies.

  4. Eileen, our local newsagent has been flogging Creme Eggs for weeks!

  5. But... but... I love the Christian Calendar of celebration/feast days. BUT... only on the days in question. Thinks, must go and our myself a sherry.

  6. "Too many" mince pies is a new one on me.


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