
Sunday 5 February 2012

An Inconvenient Truth

Today's lecture "God, Gore and Gaia - the roles of populist science and post-modern religion in confusing weather with climate' has beenl cancelled due to snow.

I blame all that Global Warming. Someone Up There must be very angry with us.


  1. I think I've spotted a cast iron statistical correlation between the propensity for snow and the amount of work I need to get done in the office..

  2. I've a theory that all this cold is due to the extra refrigeration for someone who's wanting to put those giant prawns in the freezer.

  3. Well the snow has got to go somewhere and it is an ill wind...

    Here in the (normally frozen and snow-covered) Midwest of the USA it is positively balmy. 'Balmy' in Midwest-speak at this time of year means 'above freezing'. Practically Spring-like, it is.


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