
Monday 20 February 2012

Spring Harvest

No, we're not to Spring Harvest this year.

I'm not going. So no-one's going. Drayton's not going - not after last year. When he found our Burton was only going in the hope of meeting a single, female vicar. And Burton's definitely not going. Not after last year's failure.

I've been phoned by Spring Harvest twice now, asking if I'm going. No I'm not.  Hope everyone who goes has a good time. But we'll have to have an alternative week of teaching, preaching and modern worship here. Burton's still learning how to tune the ukulele, but he's hopeful that by April he'll be able to manage "Our God Reigns". You can't get much more modern than that.

1 comment:

  1. So sad. I have been talked into going by my children. I had hoped to find a quiet corner to fill up some beakers, light a tealight and generally ignore the Big Top in the Archdruid's company. Ah well. Gin it is.


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