
Wednesday 22 February 2012

An unlucky break for Herne the Hunter

Just got back from Milton Keynes - picking up some more flour for this morning's first "Twelve Days of Shrove Tuesday" pancake breakfast.

And who should I bump into, at this eerie and folklorish hour, but Herne the Hunter? I say "bump into" - quite literally. Who knew that ancient English mythological creatures rode bikes? Although I suppose they're into Green things. And he was wobbling around a bit - must have been a good foot out from the kerb. So I don't feel I was wholly to blame - whatever he said as he turned me temporarily into a giant weasle.

Anyway, he says there's no need for us to get him to hospital - they heal naturally, do ancestral demigods. But he's sat in the Conservatory demanding pancakes.

You know, now I see Herne close up, he does look rather like the Piper at the Gates of Dawn. You don't suppose they may be different names for the same folkloric figure? After all, you never see them in a room together.


  1. I love wild hunt legends. Reckon there's a link with the green men. When I finally got a peek inside our locked church vestry and saw a very primitive carved oak double headed green man above the door I was delighted. There wasn't a mention in either of the guide books. Coming to think of it the other churches in the benefice don't mention their testicle licking hunky punks either. Some churches have no idea what to celebrate.

  2. Sounds to me like Several Species of Small Furry Animals, Grooving Together in a Cave with a Pict, if you ask me.


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