
Monday, 26 March 2012

Of the Father's Heart Begotten

Thanks to Hnaef for reminding me, being the good Anglican that he is, that today is Lady Day, rescheduled from yesterday which was Sunday. He was wandering around singing hymns of the Annunciation in that rather charming voice he has - none the less for being posh and not faux-American in any way - albeit he is on the loud side. He was actually taking the circular walk towards Aspley Guise when I heard him, and at the time I was sitting in my study listening to Megadeth.

Personally I always prefer the piquancy of Lady Day falling on Good Friday, when I can quote John Donne's marvellous words. But that doesn't happen too often. And then the words of "Of the Father's Heart" are wonderful enough:

O how blest that wondrous birthday,
when the Maid the curse retrieved,
brought to birth mankind’s salvation,
by the Holy Ghost conceived;
and the Babe, the world’s redeemer,
in her loving arms received,
evermore and evermore.

It's a smashing verse bringing together the Incarnation, the two natures of Our Lord, the obedience of Our Lady. The humility of the Giver, receiving from that young, delicate creature. The circular relationship as the Maid accepts her mission, the Spirit initiates, the Son is diminished in the status he accepts, and yet not in godhead. And all held, evermore and evermore, in the foreknowing heart of the Creator from the beginning to the end.

Here at the Beaker Folk, it's right and good that we should laugh at ourselves - most of the time we deserve it, and we might as well get there first. But there are mysteries so deep that we can only kneel, wonder and worship. Ultimate truth was revealed in a small way - just as well, as how else could we perceive it?

Ooh, I feel all Christmassy now, just for today. I may have to switch the bling on.

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