
Monday, 12 March 2012

Ordination of the First Women Priests in the Church of England (1994)

Well done to those who are still around just 18 years later.

Now all that is needed are some women bishops. Then the C Of E can take its place alongside the Episcopal Church in the US, the Methodists, the URC and many Baptists in treating and recognising women and men equally.

The irony that all sides in the debate could agree with the second sentence in that last paragraph, isn't lost, I hope.


  1. The Universalists got there first, by ordaining Caroline Soule in Glasgow in 1880. The next was Gertrude von Petzold, ordained by the Unitarians in 1904. And in 1917, Constance Coltman, the first Congregationalist female minister was ordained.

    But yes, women bishops would be good.

    Of course, Pagans have had priestesses since time immemorial.

  2. Women recognised as equals? You'll all be wanting the vote next. Country's going to the dogs...


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