
Wednesday 16 May 2012

Noah's Ark Scientifically Proven

There are few things that cause myself and Eileen, the arch-heathen next door, to disagree more than the interpretation of Holy Writ in relation to the early years of the history of our world.

And I can tell you a great example of the near-atheism that she espouses. She has been quoting to me Steve Borthwick's blogpost in which he points out that all the water in the world could be gathered together into a ball 860 miles in diameter.

That being the case, says Eileen, how could the whole world have been covered in water to a depth of several miles, as the story of Noah's Ark tells us?

Both blind and foolish. Clearly, all of the people of the world in those days were gathered together in what is now the Middle East. And so all God had to do was gather up all the water in the world into one place. By creating, as Steve Borthwick has illustrated, a ball 860 miles in diameter, the whole known world would have been flooded - and Noah's Ark would have been raised up spectacularly above the face of the earth. Once the giant ball had dispersed back into the seas and ocean beds of the world, the people and animals could have begun their journeys out to their current locations. By attaching the kangaroos and wombats to surf boards while the waters were still receding, Noah would have ensured that these and the other marsupials were rushed off to Australia at high speed.

I sometimes wonder why people bother distorting science in this way.


  1. Wonderful. 860 miles in diameter.

    I went to a school which covered Noah's ark on its science program. It was less funny then.

  2. Oh my goodness - actually laughing out loud. That post made me smile!!

  3. Did you know that Noah's Ark suffered from numerous delays and wildly fluctuating costs. Apparently they ordered the wrong landing gear for the doves.

  4. CB, not only that, imagine sewing the 2,000,000 microscopic life jackets for all those beetles, and which poor sap had to carry the Ebola virus...?

  5. Just this year, the Creation Museum has purchased the final piece of land needed to build their full-size ark display for their Ark Encounter exhibit. If you're not familiar with this museum it is in Kentucky and is dedicated to providing alternative science proving the 6,000 year age of the earth. I have personally seen school textbooks that say the dinosaurs were buried by Satan to confuse us and lead people who put their faith in science away from God. As a biology teacher, I'm glad that you've cleared up a few things for me - I was getting confused on the marsupial deposition issue. Thanks to you, I have my lesson plan set for next week!!

  6. "That being the case, says Eileen, how could the whole world have been covered in water to a depth of several miles, as the story of Noah's Ark tells us?"

    Eh! If you've you had the amount of rain that we've had around here lately then that's not hard to see.

    I've only just now been able to get out and mow the lawn.


  7. Archimandrite Simon11:10 pm, May 17, 2012

    Ball of water radius of 430 mile => volume of water is around 3.3x10^8 cubic miles of water.

    Distributed over the surface of the earth of approx 2x10^6 square miles gives an average depth of 1.6 miles.

    Asuuming that the valleys have been exalted and rough places made plane.

  8. Archimandrite Simon, your maths look right if we allow for your typo in the power of the surface area.

    But theologically is it conceivable that the Messianic flattening has to occur before the Flood? Even chronologically it seems unlikely.

  9. If Noah was so smart how come he forgot to load the dinosaurs? It's not as if they would have been inconspicuous.

  10. There weren't any dinosaurs, Satan planted those fossils.
    Don't you go doubting Bishop Usher, I KNOW he was right about the exact date of creation because I read it in a very authoritative book on horse brasses.

  11. Lol I almost forget that people in the 3rd world countries in the wolrd still believe in these fairy tales.

    1. True? Of course it's true, Whoever-you-are. But the question is how are they true?

  12. lol. I wonder which "science" proves this... "Arc-eology"?

  13. Hahaha... yeah, those smart people standing outside the ark were laughing at the idiots inside too, until it started raining. 40 days and 40 nights, I figured it out one time... it had to rain like thirty inches of water an hour in order to cover Everest. Hahaha.. yeah, it's funny.


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