
Friday, 11 May 2012

Quick Aztec Joke

It is the curse of liberal modern Christians that we may believe that we know the truth - or at least we are the ones with the objective truth that all truth is relative - and yet other religions seem closer to deeper Truths. That is why we borrow the symbols and religions of other times and cultures, after all - everybody else just seemed to be closer to nature and the divine, even though we've got it right.

And what a pain was last night's "Spirit of Meso-America".

What really did for me was the mask representing Quetzalcoatl that they asked me to wear. It had been thrown together rather badly, and the glue wasn't great, to be honest. Halfway through, in the heat of the sacrificial fire (used strictly for toasting marshmallows), the glue started to melt and the mask came apart.

Angry? I was spitting feathers.


  1. Of course, the Aztecs used Human Sacrifice. I'm hoping that your quasi-aztec worship, didn't deprive some poor Beaker person of their mortal coil?

  2. You need a pyramid, too, unless I'm confusing them with the Mayans. Enormous pyramids made of blocks just too high to climb easily (which enforces a reverent approach)with the altar on top.

  3. Maybe it was your date earlier that threw everything out of whack.


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