
Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Spiritual Gift of Overhead Projection

And a strange evening was had by all.

We were delighted to invite Gerd Shrübberie, whose seminal work "God and Festschriften - The Persons and a Person" was probably better in the original German. As I don't speak German.

Gerd was good enough to preach us a two-hour sermon on "The Spiritual Gift of Overhead Projection." Needless to say, given the subject, he used a rather marvellous Powerpoint presentation to illustrate his case. Flow diagrams, pictures of valleys in the Holy Land, touching family scenes, the orbital structure of the Ruthenium atom, PERT diagrams - they were all in there. We left astounded with the power of his images, the way that a picture can speak a thousand words. Truly Overhead Projection is a wonderful thing.

Unfortunately I've no idea what he said.


  1. I hate Overhead Projectors. Nothing beats a Chalk Board and duster, particularly the heavy ones that you can throw at recalcitrant students.

    I found that OHP put students to sleep whatever the diverse subject matter, Equality and Diversity could put a class to sleep within 30 seconds of the opening shots.

    My second favourite teaching aid was the trusty tin, dustbin lid, which was dropped at strategic moments, when I noticed 4 or more heads dropping.

    It got their attention wonderfully.

    I'm quite an old fashioned lecturer. I expect people to have pencil and notebook, and to take extensive notes. I will fire random questions at them at the end of a lesson and again as revision at the start of the next lesson. As they know that their gradings will depend on knowing their subject matter thoroughly, with 2 hours, written examinations - it seems to keep them awake, both during lessons and at night.

    Off course, I'm not retired from teaching at Approved Schools and have become a pundit on football, not knowing much about it, but neither do most of the paid-pundits I see on MOTD.


    says it all for me


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