
Thursday, 13 December 2012

In Memoriam - Norman Joseph Woodland - Inventor of the Barcode

We remember the man who made electronic trading possible, inventing the barcode 30 years before anyone invented the means to read them.

Archdruid: Thin, thick, thick, thin, thin, thin, thick, thick, thin.

All: Thick, thin, thin, thick, thick, thick, thin.

Archdruid: Thin, thick, thick, thin, thin, thin, thick, thick, thin.

All: Thick, thin, thin, thick, thick, thick, thin.

Archdruid: Thin, thick, thick, thin, thin, thin, thick, thick, thin.

All: Thin, thick, thin, thin, thick, thick, thick, thin.

Archdruid: Thick, thick,  thin, thin, thick, thin, thick, thick, thin.

All: Thick, thin, thin, thick, thick, thick, thin.

Archdruid: Thin, thick, thin, thin,  thin, thin,thick, thick, thin.

All: Thick, thin, thick, thick, thin, thick, thick, thick.

Archdruid: Thin, thick, thick, thin, thick, thick, thick, thick, thin.

All: Thick, thick, thin, thin, thick, thick, thick, thick, thin.

Burton: Stop! Stop! You got the check-digit wrong!

Archdruid: May the EAN-128 always be with you.

All: And ITF-14 with you.

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