
Tuesday 3 November 2015

Sung Eucharist

Walked past a church advertising its regular Sunday service, "Sung Eucharist". And wondered.

If they'd just said "High Mass", non-churchgoers would have a rough idea what they meant. They might or might not like it, but they'd know roughly where they were.

If they'd said "Sunday Service", the Communion part of the service would probably not have been a surprise. Though anyone wandering in expecting a Morning Prayer might have wondered why it was so long, they wouldn't have been shocked.

If they'd said "Lord's Supper", non-regulars might have wondered why it was in the morning.

But "Sung Eucharist". A Greek word attached to an English past tense. It's an odd concept. Says "something you don't understand is in the past. In the passive voice."

I dunno. It's very intellectual. But I'm not sure it helps.


  1. It distinguishes it from Mattins. Can't beat a good dose of Mattins followed by a Sung Eucharist.

  2. A church I know lists Sung Mass (meaning, with congregation singing hymns, not priest singing liturgy) as opposed to just Holy Mass (no hymns, priest sings parts sometimes, presumably according as the spirit moves him that day). Hope that helps.

  3. I once suggested (in a fit of youthful evangelistic lay vigour) to my Incumbent that the phrase Sung Eucharist was a complete turn off to outsiders. I think it nearly caused him a coronary.


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