
Thursday, 31 December 2015

Liturgy for a "Technical Error" Hitting the BBC Website

Archdruid: A "technical error" has struck the BBC website.

Techie: A "technical error?"

Archdruid: 'swhat it says...

All: But what kind of technical error?

Archdruid: Dunno.

Techie: A bandwidth issue?

Archdruid: Dunno.

Techie: DNS problem?

Archdruid: Dunno.

Techie: Catastrophic disk failure exposing a lack of disaster recovery, failover and Business Continuity Planning?

Archdruid: Dunno.

Techie: Routine issue when everyone technically qualified was off on holiday?

Archdruid: Dunno.

Drayton Parslow: Divine judgement on Giles Fraser's latest "Thought for the Day?"

Archdruid: Dunno.

Techie: Flooding due to Storm Frank?

Archdruid: Dunno.

Techie: An infestation of badgers?

Archdruid: Dunno.

All: BADGERS? Aaaaagh!

Lamentation for the lack of a BBC website

All: Behold for the BBC website is down. Our lives will be dull and meaningless henceforth.
Where now will we get our news? In vain we go to the Guardian, but Polly Tonbee is there. The Telegraph leans too far to the right. The Mail has a sidebar of shame whereof one may find pictures of the members of the tribe of Kar-Dash-Ian. The Express has weather panics and new evidence regarding Lady Di. And who reads the Indy? The End Times must even now be upon us - for is it not the last day of 2015? We will now go blinking into the daylight, wondering the question that could easily be on the BBC website if it were not down.

Archdruid: Has the BBC website outage been caused by Martians?


  1. Haven't trustd the BBC for news for many years.

  2. The BBC website's biggest technical error is that there's Flash all over it, and Flash Player is just about the easiest way to pick up malware. Youtube went HTML5 a while back: BBC need to do the same.


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