
Friday, 8 April 2016

Tax Free Saving

Shocked today to discover that a bank on the High Street is offering a tax-evading product in an offshore location.

I'm not quite sure where Isa is, but I'm guessing it's one of the smaller Caribbean isles. As long as they keep the profits away from George Osborne, I'm in.


  1. Don't display your ignorance more than you have to.

  2. Don't bother with ISAs, ArchDruid. You would get pretty much more interest on your money if you kept it in a sock or under the bed!

  3. But make sure you fill the sock with pound coins not notes.... they might survive a fire, and also be a handy cosh id burglars come a-thieving.

  4. But make sure you fill the sock with pound coins not notes.... they might survive a fire, and also be a handy cosh id burglars come a-thieving.

  5. Shock horror! Man makes investment and pays tax on the profit.... The tabloids really do get my goat.


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