
Tuesday, 21 November 2017

A Litany of Anglican Woe for the New Church of England Website

Woe are we! For the Church of England has changed its website
into a funky new mobile-looking format.
Where now are the links I made?
In vain I search for the Collect for the 3rd Sunday after World Tartan Trousers Day.
For Google is like unto a false prophet
that searcheth only lies.
I google the Eucharistic Prayer B
and end up on the "Join us in Daily Prayer" page.
For "Baptism and Confirmation without Communion."
I end up on the "Join us in Daily Prayer" page.
For the Advent "O" Antiphons I look in vain.
Oh no, that one worked. Well done. As you were.
And for the "Service of the Word"
it sends me to the "Join us in Daily Prayer" page.
Does the C of E suspect we're only taking services on Sunday, and it's trying to persuade us to worship midweek?
For seven whole days, not one in seven, we are supposed to praise Thee.
Or are the C of E really needy
and desperate for us to "Join them in Daily Prayer?"
If so can we suggest a podcast
so commuters whose eyes are tired and worn out
can listen instead of reading
Lest they lose concentration
and return to Twitter.
(Assuming they're on a bus or train. If they're driving they really shouldn't be using an on-screen text-based liturgy.

One thing consoles me as I flounder around
Two things comfort me.
That Google, which seeth all things, will sort out its algorithms
And in 6 weeks we'll be moaning about something else entirely.
And that in the meantime I've got no problems finding Morning Prayer in Tradition Language.


(Public service announcement: Law and Religion UK have published a handy set of shortcuts while the SEO gets itself sorted out.)

What some are calling "quite a funny book which would be good for Aunt Ethel for Christmas. She's always writing to the Vicar.
Though she never signs them.


  1. Feeling rather smug today, reading all of the complaints about the CofE Website. Particularly as I downloaded all of the useful stuff while training in the last three years and have archived it and can retrieve it simply. Sometimes an acquisitive nature is proved to be sound.

    1. Pre-revision material is also available on some diocesan web sites, although assigning a date/issue number to the original material is not always easy.

  2. In the Chester Diocese, we're too busy struggling with our own new website to be overly concerned about the national one. I had links ot both on our church site. I eventually locatd equivalent pages nationally, but just gave up with the diocese and decided people will have ot manage without the prayer cycle in future.


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