
Friday, 3 November 2017

Thought for the Day - With John Humphrys

"Hello, John. And Hello, John.

Now why didn't I think of this before? 2 minutes and 45 seconds when I don't have to interrupt the person I'm interviewing. Because it's me talking all the time, without any politician, footballer, or member of Christian Voice who we only brought in for balance.

Because, let's face it, we don't really need balance. You've got me. John Humphrys. Who needs a celebrity, a minister of the Crown, or indeed Giles Fraser? Or God himself. If God exists, and isn't just a projection of me.  I am sufficient. I am all in all. I am John Humphrys. And that is all you need.

I mean. At 600K a year - what's the point of having other people talking? Fundamentally it's me you're paying for. And that means, if I do Thought for the Day, you're really getting a few hundred quids' worth of solid Humphrys for nothing. You know it makes sense. In a very real sense.

And people sometimes ask me - in these troubled times, what do the stories of Abraham, Moses and Ghandi have to do with common people? And I say - nothing. Focus on what's more important. Nearly an extra 3 minutes of me, without even needing somebody else that I can interrupt.

This is BBC Radio Humphrys. And I think we can all learn something from this.

In a very real sense.

And now over to John Humphrys, who'll be interrupting Prue Leith about cakes."

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A queue of people at the vicarage door, holding letters. The vicar is hiding behind the curtains.
Writes of the Church - On sale now and perfect for Christmas

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