
Sunday, 1 April 2018

Easter Sunday Programme

6 am : Hnaef starts lighting the Holy Fire

9.30 am : Hnaef finally gets the Fire alight

10.30 : Hnaef is taken to hospital for treatment to his second-degree burns

12 noon : Orange Rolling in the Dunstable Style

2 pm - 6 pm : Consumption of Chocolate

6 pm - midnight: Feeling a bit sick

Want a good laugh? Want to laugh at the church? Want to be secretly suspicious that the author has been sitting in your church committee meetings taking notes? Then Writes of the Church: Gripes and grumbles of people in the pews is probably the book for you.

From Amazon, Sarum Bookshop, The Bible Readers Fellowship and other good Christian bookshops. An excellent book for your churchgoing friends, relatives or vicar. By the creator of the Beaker Folk.

1 comment:

  1. That sound more like an Easter Monday celebration.

    Why is Hnaef always the Victim (I mean Voluntear)?


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