
Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Not at All Sleazy

I'd like to thank everyone for attending the Neo-Coenobitic Communities Conference on Climate Change over the last few days. There's been many exciting discussions about the ways in which our more nature-focused, world-affirming attitude to the environment can really show a lead in the challenges ahead of us.

The agreement on recycling at least 10% of all tea light packaging was a real achievement. We burnt some midnight oil, ironically, as we overcame the American delegates' inability to be able to spell "aluminium". But we got there. And our objective to ensure that 50% of all wind turbines be solar powered was warmly approved.

But mostly I would like to emphasise that the Beaker Folk is not a sleazy community. There is absolutely no truth in the rumour that the holding company for the community, Beaker Folk (BVI) Ltd is just a way of dodging tax and giving Young Keith a few weeks of sunny consultancy every year. And I definitely haven't given Deputy Archdruidships  to people just for the amount they have paid into Community funds. 

Just before I chase everyone out with the trusty Slazenger V400, can I assure you all that there is absolutely no reason for anyone to check out whether the Ming vase in the Library is in fact a fake, and the real one was sold off several years ago. 

No reason at all.

I am definitely not apologising for all the things I definitely haven't done wrong. 

Until tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. Your comments on the lack of sleaze in the Beker Folk are just as dodgy as those of Boris when talking about the lack of Tory Sleaze, despite evidence to the contrary. For instance Young Keith taking sunshine holidays at the Beker folks expense, faking it as consultative, study leave is belied by 1. The suntan, 2. The acquisition of trophies of animals, seemingly running right into the gun he was holding. 3. The bright light weight clothing in evidence whenever he returns from the flesh pots of Hong King, particularly the designer suits and bling. You also deny that the Ming Vase in genuine, however I note from the Sotheby's Archive the sale of a similar Ming Vase from an unidentified vendor in Husborne Crawley for .5 of a million pounds. And the threat of the Cricket bat doesn't impress as my baseball bat is a great deterrent to stray Arch Druids wandering about North Kent seeking me out. And I claim Whistle Blower privileges anyway, so your retribution becomes a Criminal offence to add to your visible slease.


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