
Thursday, 4 April 2024

Thumb Tack-Tics

Sometimes you struggle to see the reason for things. The real deep questions. The ones that seem to reach to the ground level of our existence.

You can buy 400 drawing pins (thumb tacks to our American friendss) for 80p in Poundland. This does beg the question why Poundland are selling things for 80p. But let's move on. 80p for 400 drawing pins. That's 0.2p per drawing pin. 

So why, in the average church notice board, do they use roughly nine drawing pins, one of which has the point bent right over and one which has the head broken off, to hold up eight pieces of paper? How much work do they expect 0.2p of metal to do?

0.2p per drawing pin. Come on, Christian England. Both of you. You can do better.


  1. I've often wondered the same myself. Indeed, when I was a vicar I would go out and buy a tub of drawing pins and take great satisfaction from repinning all the posters squarely (please note) on the noticeboard and while I was at it, removing all the out of date ones!

  2. Our church noticeboard, being in a doorless porch, suffers from chronic loss of pins. You might think, that wind and rain cause the litttle chaps to be torn from their anchorage and scattered on the ground; if so, why have they all disappeared completely when I go to put up next week's notices? And why is the little box of spare pins completely empty except for the rejects and unusable one? I suspect that Douglas Adams was correct in proposing a Planet Biro, as the destination of all those missing pens, and that there is also a Planet Pin somewhere out there.


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